3 Top Questions People Ask About Hunting Gun Maintenance

Simon Kim
2 min readJun 9, 2021


Photo by Alex Andrews from Pexels

As a hunter, have you ever asked yourself, how do I maintain my hunting gun? You want to always hit your targets. In this article, I will break it down for you on how to maintain your guns.

Let us dive right in.

Do you have to clean the gun after every use?

No, you should not. However, you should clean within a week. It ensures your gun does not accumulate lots of dirt for long making it hard to clean later. A schedule of cleaning it once in a week is a good practice.

Is W-D40 Good for Gun Cleaning?

Although W-D40 helps clean up grime and rust, it is better to use products meant for your guns. Products that keep moving parts of your firearm functional, clean the material without causing any damage, and meet all your gun requirements. To remove grime, residue, or carbon residues, use a solvent — W-D40 is not a solvent but a Water Displacement agent.

What happens If You Keep Your Gun Dirty?

When not regularly cleaned, your gun becomes useless. Rust and corrosion erode the metal around the ejector, firing mechanism, the chamber, and inside the gun barrel.

It fails to fire because when fouling, rusted parts fuse together and therefore fail to feed.

Keep Your Hunting Gun Functional

Use the above DIY simple ways to maintain your gun functioning.


Hunting Gun Maintenance






Simon Kim
Simon Kim

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