Shh, Secret to be a great writer? Just Do It, Keep Writing

Simon Kim
5 min readSep 21, 2019
Keep Writing, one word at a time, line by line and paragraphs will form

I have always loved writing. Since I was in lower grades in primary school, I would write interesting stories that sometimes my erstwhile teacher of English would share with the whole class. This would make me feel great. But somehow, I got lost in the labyrinth of confusion. I loved science subjects too.

I loved to read books in Biology, Physics and Chemistry in high school. Writing or being a writer had never crossed my mind even once. Still, I would write some sumptuous pieces that my secondary school teacher would read with relish to the whole class.

It looked like I ignored all the signs of my potential in writing. Why? Because I never imagined the future for a writer. I wanted to be a scientist, a lawyer, a doctor, and or an engineer. Or some kind of a science related expertise out of myself. Never a writer.

Those were many years ago. In Tertiary College, I did a Diploma in Computer Studies. And on campus, I ended up being a graduate in Information Technology (BSC-IT). I even graduated with First Class Honors.

In the late parts of 2017, the writer’s bug bit me again. They say “Once a Soldier Always a Soldier”. This time I wanted to do it differently. I wanted to be publishing my work online. To share with the world. Needed training by a professional writer, an experienced person who has done some writing and succeeded himself. I wanted to have a mentor. To be accountable to him, to make sure I push through my plans. To be a great writer.

I got the best trainer I could get. He was very professional, supportive and always doing follow-ups with me. He gave me assignments that I did. I was doing article writing and content writing. The training went on for three (3) good weeks.

He showed me how to create accounts in various platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and iWriter. How to use Canvas and many other online tools for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). However, I failed! I fell flat with face to the ground. I guess I was dumb! Lazy! My big WHY question wasn’t big enough. It was a WEAK Why! Yes, the reason to write wasn’t there at all…

My Upwork account was suspended permanently. Argh!

I never looked for clients. I just created a blog that I never updated regularly. Just not serious. I never renewed my blog after a year of subscription to the hosting services — HostGator. Ooh!

But again, this year I have started writing. Jotting down a few lines. Slowly publishing small articles at the This is a long journey. It is not just a one-time travel. It isn’t a relay. It isn’t a trip either. It is a marathon. So, I am taking baby steps. One. At. A-time! Knowing where I am headed. North not South!

Writing isn’t a relay... but a marathon.

You, know what buddy, I do still struggle with writing. Even though I have ways with words. But, hang on! I guess that is life. It is never easy. Before one becomes a connoisseur in his field, he must break a sweat, isn’t it um? This is how Napoleon Hill correctly puts it;

“The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It’s the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun.” ― Napoleon Hill

Sometimes I don’t know what to write about. My passion? Other times I hit this wall called writer’s block. Staring at the screen with blank mind for hours on end. Eventually shutting down my laptop and taking a walk or chatting with my neighbors on mundane things of life. What about fear of letting your ‘unqualified’ work to the world? Nobody wants to be criticized on his writing. I fear, fear itself. It is almost morbid.

Even as I keep writing, I sometimes still feel like quitting. Seriously. Especially when I get all the above challenges all at once. Not knowing what to write about, writer’s block and fear of what others think about my crazy writing. When these hit me in sets and composite like this. It is avalanche to me. I am always tempted to take the easier way out. And quit!

I have noticed though, that, every time I write the first paragraph, I am able to write the next. The second paragraph introduces the third and so on. I just keep flowing slowly. Yeah, slowly but sure. Until I am able to finish a whole article. But I must keep writing.

Every time I hit publish after writing, spell-checking, refactoring of sentence structures, I feel a streak of confidence slowly building up. I feel some ecstasy that is priceless. Satisfaction. Accomplishment, wow! I have done it, man!

This little by little build up of confidence keeps me going. I write short sentences sometimes. Other times longer and winding ones. Shorter paragraphs followed with longer ones. And so, I wobble around…but eventually I am done.

I have made a promise to myself that I will keep writing every day no matter how short it is, with a view to a continuous improvement each time. No big goal for now. Just keeping my fingers and grey matter working together.

So, my friend, you can also do this. Have you been wondering what to write about? Choose to write whatever you want. Write one paragraph. Take a three minutes break and write the second. When done with the third and fourth paragraphs, your fifth will be around the corner. Keep going.

Writer’s block? Sip your coffee and write the next word. Fear of criticism? We are all humans remember. Everyone fears something. Even the one reading your work fears something. At least he doesn’t know everything.

Don’t let Writers Block Stop You
Don’t let Writer’s Block Stop You

Remember Nike’s tagline. Just do it! Keep reminding yourself of your big WHY you want to be a writer.

As you scribble around, you’ll gain tons of confidence along the way. If you start.

Happy writing!

